Little Tujunga Hotshots

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Little Tujunga Hotshots is a type 1 Interagency Hotshot Crew located on the Angeles National Forest. We are located in the foothils of the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. Our surroundings include fire-prone chapparal, steep to moderate terrain, summertime temperatures are from the 90's to the low 100's. These conditions are the perfect ingredients for fast moving brush fires in heavily populated urban-interface areas. Because of the extreme conditions, we have many intial attack fires and a complex mutual aid response area with our surrounding fire agenies.


Normal business hours:

Thursday through Sunday from 0830 to 1900.

Base address:

12371 N. Little Tujunga Cyn. Rd. San Fernando, CA 91342

Phone number:

(818) 899-1900 Ext. 260

Our E-mails:

GPS Coordinates:

34° 17' 47.724" x 118° 21' 43.030 "